Object type

Hare's Patent Automatic Changing Box


Stereoscopic Folding Camera


Hare's Patent Automatic Changing Box

Whole Plate Camera


Hare Automatic Plate Changing Box


Combined Stereoscope and Graphoscope


Plate camera


Hare plate camera, made by George Hare. Folding stand camera for 3 3/4 x 4 3/4" plates. Sliding rising front; rack and pinion focus acting on rear. With Dallmeyer lens No. 21859 (June 11, 1867, US patent). F.5". Rotating stop disc with 5 apertures, circa

Hare plate camera


Quarter plate stand camera, made by G.Hare, 26 Calthorpe Street, London. Folding bellows camera. Dallmeyer Series II No. la Stigmatic lens F:4" f6-45 No. 57481. Thrornton Pickard T/I shutter with Antinous release. Sliding rising and cross front. Clip-on reflecting brilliant finder with rotating mask. Pendulum level; rack and pinion focusing on rear panel. In poor leather case with 5 wooden double darkslides.

Hare Quarter Plate Stand Camera

G Hare, 26 Calthorpe Street, London. For 10x12" plates; top loading; no lens; internal 2-blade studio shutter. Screw clamped front, rack focused rear panels. Screw vertical and horizontal swing back; bellows damaged; focusing screen back modified by addition of latter sprung back. On three-legged studio stand with castors; screw and rack elevation, screw tilting.

Late wetplate Hare Studio camera

Folding stand camera for 6 3/4 x 3 1/4 inch plates, tailgate type. Fitted with 2894 when received. No lenses. Rack and pinion focusing on the rear panel. Sliding rising front. Swing back. Swing up ground glass focusing screen. Cloth septum. G. Hare.

Hare stereoscopic camera

Changing box for 10x8inch plates; 12 plate capacity, slot, light-trapped, for transfer to special darkslide. Object includes changing box and dark plate holder. The changing box is locked and key not found.

Hare Patent Automatic Changing Box

Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Ross Goerz double anastigmat lens F:8 1/4 inches f/7.7-64 No 353. Fitted with a Thornton Pickard Time and Inst. shutter 15/25/40/60/80/T. Fixed rear panel, sliding front panel. sliding rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing, hinged down focusing screen. Double extension bellows rotatable back, hinged ground glass focusing screen. Thornton's patent pendulum level. G Hare.

Hare Half Plate Stand camera


Hare stereo camera, made by G. Hare. Mahogany folding camera for 7 1/2" x 5" plates. No lenses, sliding single lens panel. Sliding rising front, front panel fixed and rear panel moves focusing by rack and pinion. Two-way swing back, square bellows, flexible divider, ground glass focusing screen.

Hare Stereo Camera

Changing box for 4 x 5 inch plates. Twelve plates carried in lockable light box. Transferred to single plateholder through light trapped slot opened automatically when the plateholder is attached. Light trapped on plateholder opened and closed by sliding lever. George Hare.

Hare's patent automatic changing box

The G. Hare folding bellows field or stand camera for plates 6 1/2 x 4 3/4. Front standard has rising front and cross movement. Fitted with a Wray Acgromatic Landscape lens F.11 10" f.1 and a Dallmeyer Rapid Rectilinear F.7.5 7" f.1 lens. Diaphragm operated by lever. Made of mahogany with brass fittings. c.1895. Stored in a leather case with a handwritten note on the back, 'G. Irvine Robertson Glenelon Stirling'. Included are three double darkslides.

G Hare Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera, Two Lenses, Case and Three Double Darkslides.


Wooden changing box for 5 x 7 plates and wet-plate holder. Grooved to contain 12 plates fed in turn through a slot in box top. Spring loaded light trap automatically removed when box attached to plate holder. camera. George Hare, 26 Calthorpe St. London.

Hare's automatic changing box

Miniature plate camera for 1/8 plates. Manufactured by G Hare for Wratten and Wainwright, 38 Great Queen Street, London. Miniature stand camera for 2 x 2 1/2 inch plates. Square bellows and a fixed front panel, sliding rear panel. hinged ground glass screen. Petzval type portrait lens, F:8cm f.4.5. Rack and pinion focusing, rack missing. Fixed aperture. Brass and mahogany construction. c.1880

Miniature plate camera, c 1880


Possibly made by Hare. Mahogany folding camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2" plates. Three lens panels; 1. Leviathan (regd.) rapid rectilinear lens, 7x5, F:9", f/8-64 (broken?); 2. Two F:5 1/2" lenses f/8-64, for stereo pairs; 3. Uncut panel with two lens centre marks. With fitted Thornton-Pickard Time and Inst. shutter, 1/15-1/90 second. 3 1/2 x 6" for stereopairs. Sliding rising front; swing back, both directions. Rack and pinion focusing on rear panel. Swing-out ground glass screen; removable flexible divider for stereo. With three bookform wooden double darkslides and focusing cloth.

Folding plate camera for stereopairs or single pictures

Whole plate camera by Hare, c.1885 (label inscription: C Hare/Manufacturer/26 Calthorpe Street/London). Folding stand camera for 5 x 7 1/2 inch plate. Fitted with a J.H. Dallmeyer lens No. 2, patent, achromat with wheel stops 15, 2 x 3/. Tailboard design. Rack and pinion focusing on back. Extra extension by sliding front with locking arms. Sliding rising and cross front. Vertical swing back. Ground glass screen hinged at top. Provision for stereo septum (missing). With focusing cloth. 3959. With one single wet plate slide (contains 2 slides?).

Late Wet Plate Camera by George Hare


Stand camera for 6 1/2 xx 8 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Ross Goerz patent double anastigmat lens F: 9 1/2 inches, f/7.7-64 (threads do not match those of flange of camera). Sliding rising and cross front. Fixed lens panel, rear panel focusing by rack and pinion with double extension. Reversible back hinged with ground glass focusing screen. Provision for stereo dividing septum (missing). Vertical and horizontal swing back. Brass bound construction. Double spirit level on baseboard. George Hare.

Hare whole plate camera